Tuesday, June 9, 2009

High Fives for All the Guys

Today is a picture day! I finally named my Slayer.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So, it took 1 whole school year, but Tabletop Gaming finally had it's first "official" event, so official we ordered pizza :-o

Anyway, pictured below areeee:


Tim (left) and Adam (right) were randomly paired together before the match and didn't mind showing their affection for Justin and my strategy.

Justin measure for his "put a forest anywhere I want" spell.

Much later in the night, after a win by the Cryx and Circle of Orboros (me and justin, respectively), Tim and Adam played 2 games.

Partially painted models littered the field all night. As a group however, we do have most of our models painted.

I spent the night being a loser and just watching.