Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bat Rep - August 9 2009

Tyranids 1249 points
Imperial Guard 1245 points

Spearhead w/ objectives

Field was set up as shown

Turn 1 was a lot of positioning on Chris's part, and in doing so he managed to do no harm to my main units, merely my gaunts ( I beleive 14 died in the first turn). For my first turn I moved all of my troops forward behind the cover of my gaunts, providing that much needed 4+ cover save since extended carapaces were in [planned] short supply.

Turn 2 was a lot of shooting by Chris, he took out my left most generstealres, leaving only 2 which I would position behind the objective. He also managed to deep strike his one squad right in the heart of my rear, leading to me having to turn around some of my gaunts. He also used his leman russ to do damage to my shootyfex, which in turn fired and took out some of his little troops. For my turn 2 I moved my gaunts closest to my side to engage and tie up his newest troops behind my lines, thus preventing me from getting the furthest objective for me. I fired upon his troops and managed to heavily wound one squad. I moved my hive tyrant onto the mid-field and had him stare menancingly at Chris's troops.

Turn 3 for Chris was that of sadness, most of his troops could not wound my group of 6 warriors, wound my hive tryant, or kill my fex. After all of my heavies survived, I went on to pillage Chris's troops. My 3/4 wounds fex landed a bs and VC on his mortar squads (they were killing my troops left and right). I flex my tyrant dead over the whole mid-field piece and went on to kill the remainder of his troops that were hiding behind it. My genestealers climbed the middle piece of terrain and then proceeded to eat alive his HQ squad and support squad.

Turn 4 Chris attempted to kill some more units, didn't managed much. For my turn I simply held the objectives I was on and called the game (pre-determined to be 4 turns due to time limit).

Final Score
Anthony 3/5 held
Chris 0/5 held

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Battleset complete!

It took 5 weeks, but I did it. One Cryx battleset has been painted and I am moving on to my mechanithralls and nighytwretches. Justin has most of his models painted and has bought about 300$ worth of more models/paint/shit. Tim still hasn't painted his models, but managed to lose to me in a quick battle about 2 weeks ago.

And so I present, High Fives For All The Guys and friends

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

High Fives for All the Guys

Today is a picture day! I finally named my Slayer.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So, it took 1 whole school year, but Tabletop Gaming finally had it's first "official" event, so official we ordered pizza :-o

Anyway, pictured below areeee:


Tim (left) and Adam (right) were randomly paired together before the match and didn't mind showing their affection for Justin and my strategy.

Justin measure for his "put a forest anywhere I want" spell.

Much later in the night, after a win by the Cryx and Circle of Orboros (me and justin, respectively), Tim and Adam played 2 games.

Partially painted models littered the field all night. As a group however, we do have most of our models painted.

I spent the night being a loser and just watching.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Skarlock - alt caster

My skarlock came in the mail today! What is a skarlock? Well it's my alternate caster for my cryx army. What's an alt caster? Basically they cast spells for free as long as they're alive, which usually is a long time if you hide them in the back and behind cover (cover being the mechanothralls I hope get here soon).

So, I give you the (quite hard to assemble) skarlock.

I also got my night wretches, however they need to be washed. I have to say I'm excited that I don't have to glue jaws on later, since they have the aoe acid attack built in.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Funding newletter

Ah, so I forgot to do this last night!

Anyway I'll keep it short, we got $1200 :D

I feel bad though, out of $20,000 and we got 6%.

(insert complaint about getting 100$ less than last year)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bonejacks! 3 of them

Managed to assembled and spray paint 3 bonejacks. No clue what they do, but I'll be painting them tomorrow and tonight.

Warwitch Deneghra complete

New Picture!
(to show scale & and because she is so tiny!)

So I lied and uploaded both in order to show off the colors better/more matte. The model is matte as hell, no shine at all, I made sure the metallic paints were muted with washes, necromancers shouldn't polish their armor, they should be raising the dead steam-powered machines that fight for them.

For my first model of warmachine I decided to paint my warcaster. She came in 3 piece, all of which were painted separately. I spent about 5 hours of actual painting time, trying out different color patterns and such. These pics were taken in yellow light and therefore suck ass, I'm going to get a white bulb for that lamp tomorrow. Reason for this color scheme, she's a necromancer, shes cold and dead, very matte and dark scheme.

And one "in-progress" pic

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WARMACHINE is here! Yay!

So holy crap what a good day. First I live blog at an event and get food at that and another event, then warmachine comes in the mail. Basically on a whim, just like with warhammer, we (I) bought 3 of the 4 starting armies, their paints, and their power decks. For the next 3 days, I will be updating with unboxing photos, assembly photos, and painting photos, as obviously you have to paint your miniatures before you can play them. Oh this is going to be so much fun! :D

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tyranid Hive Tyrant & Wings

Close Combat hive tyrant

The wings I purchased for him

Friday, April 3, 2009

Batrep & a rainbow

So tonight Tim and I (anthony) played our first real match, it was 2 objectives, my nids against his marines.

And now for the rainbow story. So it was raining and sunny out, it was an all around shitty day. Anyway, I go to the window and look towards Center City like I always do, and BAM!!!! HUGE ASS RAINBOW!!!

"Holy shit!," I said, "This is probably the gayest thing I've ever said, but that is one amazing ass rainbow, you guys gotta come see this thing!"
They came quickly and it was a good thing they did, the rainbow began to fade ever so slighty. I ran to get my camera and got it just as it was fading. Seriously, best rainbow ever.

Oh, and here are pics from earlier in the storm system when it was hailing outside pretty badly. The hail only lasted maybe 2 minutes, but that was a loud 2 minutes (even through 1" thick windows).

Battle Report

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seargent complete

So, update time. I've completed one more model in the free time I have these days :( This guy has 13 colors of paint on him. All I have to do is my my genesis chapter shoulder pad pieces and he's done. He has been clear coated with matte spray to prevent him from chipping, the shine is a lot more dull in person.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back to Space Marines!

Well, in order to actually complete my Bolter and Chainsword librarium painting challenge pledge (mouthfull that is), I'm painting space marines. I have 5 completed, 5 that are red and need backpack+gun+heraldices. I will complete the painting of the bodies tonight and maybe post more pics before I go to bed. Here is what I have so far:

OMFG!!!! This is the 8th time I'm trying to post this...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Progress - Tyranids

So today I did some more tyranid work and I'm happy with the results. I don't know the name of the hive I'm painting, but it is an official hive and I think this will be a good army to help people learn to play as a strong offensive player.

Here is a picture of the detailing I'm attempting

I also figured I'd try a new trick I saw at the mall, hot wire cutting.
Now, I do not have a hot wire cutter, so I just picked a size 6 xacto blade and put it in a candle flame. Here are the results

So just to quickly go over what I did to get this clean cut and nice connection.
  1. Cut a magnet into the devourer gun arm.
  2. Cut a hole in the warrior torso that matched the angle and pitch of the arm magnet.
  3. Put both arms in place, test fit position.
  4. Applied plastic cement and super glue to the left warrior arm on both ends, sticking it in place to the gun arm (right arm).
  5. I let it dry for 5 minutes.
  6. Lit a candle.
  7. Heated my blade for 10 seconds.
  8. Place it in the spot shown above and pressed gently
  9. Goto 7 until blade goes through arm.
At that point, since I had position the magnet very very carefully, I was able to place the arm back in place and have a near flawless reattachment, rather than having to magnetize two different arms. I like this result a lot and will do this from now on.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Warrior painting

So it is saturday, I am doing some painting today! I mixed up some liche purple with some fluid retarder, water and soap. The first application I've used (see below) appears to dark. I'm going to thin the mixture further and see what comes of it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Tyranid Battleforce
After work I went and picked up a tyranid battleforce, to fill out the 3 armies that I will be bringing back to school. I always wanted to pick up one of these boxes, tyranids offer some of the easiest conversions, since they are alien bugs, nit picking isn't common. So I bring to you my first bunch of converisons on my HQ units, tyrand warriors.

The tyranid warrior above has a (checks codex) barbed strangler, it shoots barbs that explode, making it a very good ordance launcher [AP: 5, assault 1,/large blast, pinning].

This is the head on picture. I've mounted the gun on the lower arm slots and fitted those slots with magnets. What I have done since can be seen in the next couple pictures.

Here you can see what was on the model when it was spray painted. The one on the right is another warrior I have started to put together, however I have begun customizing it. On the white guy you can see I left a nub attached to the body and the arm goes to it. The other side if magnetized (see below). I set it up this way to that I could "stick" arms in there more easily, the first time the arms got stuck and I had to break them to get them off :(

If you look closely at the white guy, you can see the magnet in the bottom arm slot, that is what the barbed strangler attaches to. I am going to mod the venom cannon the same way so I can use that when needed.

Anyway, lets get to that guy standing on that thing. The thing is the power core from a thunderhawk that crashed on maccrage. Lt. Varras was transporting geneseed at the time and well, things went bad, he got surrounded by tyranid, and the ultramarines had to save him. Since I have an ultramarine succesor chapter going (Genesis Chapter) I thought it only fitting that a tyranid warrior would be foolishly standing on a nuclear bomb. Let's hope he doesn't crush it!

Oh, and what I did was I cut the 4 segments of his leg apart and put them back together, in a way that well, when I realized what I was doing, was truely insane.

Building things backwards is a bad idea, I'm amazed nothing broke that entire time!