Tyranids 1249 points
Imperial Guard 1245 points
Spearhead w/ objectives
Field was set up as shown
Turn 1 was a lot of positioning on Chris's part, and in doing so he managed to do no harm to my main units, merely my gaunts ( I beleive 14 died in the first turn). For my first turn I moved all of my troops forward behind the cover of my gaunts, providing that much needed 4+ cover save since extended carapaces were in [planned] short supply.
Turn 2 was a lot of shooting by Chris, he took out my left most generstealres, leaving only 2 which I would position behind the objective. He also managed to deep strike his one squad right in the heart of my rear, leading to me having to turn around some of my gaunts. He also used his leman russ to do damage to my shootyfex, which in turn fired and took out some of his little troops. For my turn 2 I moved my gaunts closest to my side to engage and tie up his newest troops behind my lines, thus preventing me from getting the furthest objective for me. I fired upon his troops and managed to heavily wound one squad. I moved my hive tyrant onto the mid-field and had him stare menancingly at Chris's troops.
Turn 3 for Chris was that of sadness, most of his troops could not wound my group of 6 warriors, wound my hive tryant, or kill my fex. After all of my heavies survived, I went on to pillage Chris's troops. My 3/4 wounds fex landed a bs and VC on his mortar squads (they were killing my troops left and right). I flex my tyrant dead over the whole mid-field piece and went on to kill the remainder of his troops that were hiding behind it. My genestealers climbed the middle piece of terrain and then proceeded to eat alive his HQ squad and support squad.
Turn 4 Chris attempted to kill some more units, didn't managed much. For my turn I simply held the objectives I was on and called the game (pre-determined to be 4 turns due to time limit).
Final Score
Anthony 3/5 held
Chris 0/5 held
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