Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3 hours laters (production time)

Well, this bitch took 4 hours to paint, but i tried some new tricks, here are the results

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some 1hr at a time pics

Figured I'd show pics of how I get paint onto the guys.

1 hour

just a long post I made on my guild's website

Mal asked me a question that I answered with a ridiculously huge post, so I thought I'd add it here too.

Whats the blue putty it looks like your using for assembly? or is that just for test fitting?

hat painting style do you use? i prime/undercoat black, basecoat dark angels green, and give a 80/20 DA green/White mix for highlights on the armor(either edges, or overall, depending on how bright i want the model to be). Then its on to the other parts which generally get 2 coats, a base and highlight, and then its done.


They call is bluestick, I call it funtac, or at least thats what we called in when I was in elementary school. Its reuseable sticky putty, cleans off real easy, its sitting in a little ball on my desk currently.

I use it to pose the guys, see what things look like together, hang wall posters in my dorm. I carry my spare pieces in a little tubberware box, and always keep the ball of bluestick in there. On the one pic of my atk bike, you can see I was just using it to hold everything together, just to make sure I had all the pieces the way I wanted them, then I took pics so I can try to put it back the way I had it in the first place. So far its working out very well.

Painting wise? Thank god I live with 2 art majors, they've been really helpful in giving me good ideas and showing me some nice ways of getting low build-up. I've been priming with delta ceramics white gesso (You can se the bottle in the backgorund of one of my pics). I add black ink (i'm using standard higgins waterproof, hah, waterproof my ass, it's not waterproof) to my gesso so I get a nice dark grey base on my models, a little darker than what they start as. I add a lot of water to it, and just slap it on, it dries and sticks to the surface nicely, doesn't leave any bumps.

You might have noticed, I superglue my guys to the base, then glue the base to a bottle cap, so I can paint easier and have a heavier base.

Basecoat I use a medum pigment standard acrylic paint, but now I'm spray painting with GW chaos black, god it's so much easier. I didn't prime my last 2 guys, and they came out fine, the other guys I primed I didn't lose any detail on, so I'm split on that decision.

For my red, I'm dry brushing a high gloss red, rinsing my nylon flat brush often in a water/brush cleaner mixture to keep build up from forming. I don't paint anything red I don't want to be red later, like the brown waist bags, or the chest peice (tho I'm not worrying about spill over so far, I just go back and black it). When I say dry burshing I'm really taking my time, like 2-3 hours per model (I can do 1 guy from sprues to finished in 5 hours, at least that what the first test blood angel was, probably shorter now that I'm spray painting 3 guys and their guns at a time). Side note, for the tac troops, I basecoat guns and backpacks off, my assualt troops I'm spraying with jump packs on, just so I dont have the difference paint strokes).

One note on the black I'm using, since it is a medium pigment black, I thin it with the black higgins ink, gives great cover, thins just like water http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...c=119231&st=100
user posted image

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well here are some of my guys finally with the right color paint on them, progress is slow, but it's all coming together now that I'm at home and not working. Hopefully I have 3 more guys completed before I leave for school tomorrow.

Also, what do we think about this pose?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

9pm - 3 months ago

First let me welcome whoever may stumble upon this blog for its purpose will be two-fold. First, I have created this to showcase my artwork (and my groups), in this case Warhammer 40,000 models. (Yes, I'll be trying to do this wiki style by default, detailing and referencing anything I can). Secondly, I will be using this as the main communication tool for all FSBS related activities I will be hosting in the coming years at Drexel.

Currently my group is 8 people, more importantly let me explain how this group came to be. 3 months ago my RA told me about fsbs, for students by students, a learning community program Drexel University was starting, and there would be free pizza, so I went! Then I found out we could apply for funding, not through safac (Drexel's money-hander-outters to groups), but through RLO, making getting money a lot easier since I wouldn't have to plan a year in advance. Also housing was first-come first-served this year, so halfway through the meeting, I ran upstairs and applied and told all my friends to apply and join my group.
It was at that moment I signed up that me and a few of my friends decided to try to get money to play Warhammer, later we'd pick 40k, since one of the guys was familiar with it and had pieces.
So one 4-page proposal and 2 weeks from now we'll see if I get the 1600$ I asked for.

Anyway, four of the 8 guys in my group for next year want to play 40k, and I know other people around campus play, so one day I'll be hosting tournaments in North Hall, which has a few nice big rooms with lots of tables. I'll post information for those tourneys here. Also, I'll be posting pictures of my army as it's being built, like later when I continue working on my space marine attack bike.