Sunday, March 23, 2008

just a long post I made on my guild's website

Mal asked me a question that I answered with a ridiculously huge post, so I thought I'd add it here too.

Whats the blue putty it looks like your using for assembly? or is that just for test fitting?

hat painting style do you use? i prime/undercoat black, basecoat dark angels green, and give a 80/20 DA green/White mix for highlights on the armor(either edges, or overall, depending on how bright i want the model to be). Then its on to the other parts which generally get 2 coats, a base and highlight, and then its done.

They call is bluestick, I call it funtac, or at least thats what we called in when I was in elementary school. Its reuseable sticky putty, cleans off real easy, its sitting in a little ball on my desk currently.

I use it to pose the guys, see what things look like together, hang wall posters in my dorm. I carry my spare pieces in a little tubberware box, and always keep the ball of bluestick in there. On the one pic of my atk bike, you can see I was just using it to hold everything together, just to make sure I had all the pieces the way I wanted them, then I took pics so I can try to put it back the way I had it in the first place. So far its working out very well.

Painting wise? Thank god I live with 2 art majors, they've been really helpful in giving me good ideas and showing me some nice ways of getting low build-up. I've been priming with delta ceramics white gesso (You can se the bottle in the backgorund of one of my pics). I add black ink (i'm using standard higgins waterproof, hah, waterproof my ass, it's not waterproof) to my gesso so I get a nice dark grey base on my models, a little darker than what they start as. I add a lot of water to it, and just slap it on, it dries and sticks to the surface nicely, doesn't leave any bumps.

You might have noticed, I superglue my guys to the base, then glue the base to a bottle cap, so I can paint easier and have a heavier base.

Basecoat I use a medum pigment standard acrylic paint, but now I'm spray painting with GW chaos black, god it's so much easier. I didn't prime my last 2 guys, and they came out fine, the other guys I primed I didn't lose any detail on, so I'm split on that decision.

For my red, I'm dry brushing a high gloss red, rinsing my nylon flat brush often in a water/brush cleaner mixture to keep build up from forming. I don't paint anything red I don't want to be red later, like the brown waist bags, or the chest peice (tho I'm not worrying about spill over so far, I just go back and black it). When I say dry burshing I'm really taking my time, like 2-3 hours per model (I can do 1 guy from sprues to finished in 5 hours, at least that what the first test blood angel was, probably shorter now that I'm spray painting 3 guys and their guns at a time). Side note, for the tac troops, I basecoat guns and backpacks off, my assualt troops I'm spraying with jump packs on, just so I dont have the difference paint strokes).

One note on the black I'm using, since it is a medium pigment black, I thin it with the black higgins ink, gives great cover, thins just like water
user posted image

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