Wednesday, January 21, 2009

BATREP 1/21/09

seize ground rules
750 points

IG go first
[picture 1]

Turn 1 IG
Rhino hit with autocannon with 2 hits, weapon destroyed, immoblizied.
1 SM killed by chimera.

Turn 1 SM
:( bad rolls prevented mass damage, chimera is shaken by the t-l lascannon.

Turn 2 IG
Heavy bolter wounds 1 sm that is with the librarian.
Lesson: do not use gate of infinity without terminators.
multimelta destroyed in assault off dreadnought.

Turn 2 SM
Killed a bunch of IG in the middle with fllamer, because angry marines are angry all the time.

Turn 3 IG
Chris tried to kill my librarian, however librarians don't die, so he lived.

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