Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 1 - Genesis Chapter

Let me begin with what I have.  I have modified one of my original maccarage minis.

I have chosen Genesis Chapter of the second founding of the Space Marines.  There is little known about these marines other than they often fight allong side the UltraMarines and the UM will always help Genesis Chapter (GC) when they need help.  In time I hope to develop more fluff about them, but since they are a second founding, I will have limitations.  

I checked before I went to sleep, I have 4 tac troops unpainted, 5 tac troops primed and in progress painted, 5 tac marines who need the yellow added to their shoulder pads and [the last comma is also not needed like the two space after a period, I know, I was shocked too] a template made so I can paint their symbol.

For the Librarium I will complete a tutorial on painting GC marines, including how I got such a nice looking yellow.

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