Wednesday, January 14, 2009

BATREP 12/31/08

Players: Anthony Guarracino vs. Chris T.
Armies: Space Marines vs. Imperial Guard
Battle type: Cleanse from 3rd ed. Rulebook

Space Marines Imperial Guard
505 points 503 points    
Librarian     130 Command Squad
1x Storm Bolter        
1x Force Weapon Infantry Platoon
Vortex of Doom 2 Squads
  Gate of Infinity  
1x Flamer Infantry Platoon
Sergeant Snipers
1x Bolter Chimera
1x Missle Launcher
1x Storm Bolter  
1x Flamer
1x Bolter
1x Missle Launcher  

The battle lasted 2 turns before company arrived to celebrate new years eve.  This was our first battle, so there was a lot of rule checking and discovery being done.  Here is a picture of the set-up.

For terrain we used glued together sprues and lego creations.  I deployed my SMs in my corner with turn based placement.  This allowed me, after my cousin placed his command squad all the way in the back, to place my librarian in the middle of the map.  I followed by hiding my missle launches behind terrain so that they'd live until I got to shoot as my cousin was going first.

Turn 1 - Imp Guard
My cousin advances his position, realizing he's placed all his troops in open cover.  He runs several troops behind the green castle base in the picture above for cover.  The chimera moves up slighty, firing on my rhino, shot falls 1 inch short.

Turn 1 - SM
My goal as to use my librarian to gate of infinity around the board, giving me the upper hand in being able to rapid fire and hide.  First turn, GoI hits without scatter (yay!).  I move my rhino 12" forward, trying to get in enough terrain that I can eventually kill that rhino or tank shock those large platoons.  I pop smokes and fire a few shots with krak missles.  A few imp guard die, but not enough.  

Turn 2 - Imp Guard
Chris advances further, moving his chimera into a better location, but not deploying troops, instead choosing to fire at my rhino's side armor with most of his troops.

(yes that is a lego castle in the background) Damage is not done, I merely get crew shakenresult.

Turn 2 - SM
I GoI my librarian but he scatters right into the open /facepalm.  I move deploy my SM in the rhino, move the rhino up for cover.  Shooting phase I fire a krak missle at the chimeras front armor, blowing it up (6), and killing 4 guys inside.  I fire a frag missle into Chris's platoons again, resulting in only 1 sad kill :(

And that's how it ended.  None of my SM died, but it was a draw based on quaters controlled, as we each only had 1.

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