Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So I made a 750 point tyranids list and I'm probably going to buy the battleset once I am given a day to turn my receipts in next week. The good part about the tyranids is that Justin already has some guys, so combined, we'd have 4 1000 point armies, which will definately lead to some awesome as hell games! That or I can have 4 way 750 point games at my house, which is what I'm gonna start with, all I need is another person to use the tyranids, hmmmmmm.

750 Point Tyranids

3 - Tyranid Warrior Brood
3x Scything Talons
3x Toxin Sacs
1x Barbed Strangler
2x Devourer
3x Extended Carapace
7 - Tyranid Genestealer Brood
7x Feeder Tendrils
7 - Tyranid Genestealer Brood
7x Feeder Tendrils
9 - Termagant Brood
9x Toxin Sacs
9x Fleshborer
9x With out numbers
9 - Termagant Brood
9x Toxin Sacs
9x Fleshborer
9x With out numbers
8 - Hormagaunt Brood
8x Scything Talons
8x Extended Carapace
1x Barbed Strangler
1x Scything Talons
1x Enhanced Senses

748 Points

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