Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Battle #2
So last night my cousin Chris and his friend Jared faced off against my space marines in a cleanse corners mission. We started around 6pm and ended 2 battles at midnight, with a sandwich break in there too. (Pictures will be added in later). We started off placing terrain as usual, 5 minutes, then placing troops for 10 minutes. Chris started the first match without Jared, but we decided upon 600 points for the battle so that his troops would be able to take 4+ armor saves rather than be instantly killed. This was a very educational set of battles as the 3 of us learned how to use more and more rules. The first battle probably would have ended differently if any of us remember to scatter our blast templates, mainly my bad.
Troop lists:
==Space Marines==
120 -- Captain with PW and hellfire rounds
105 -- Dreadnought with multimelta and ccw with storm bolter
205 -- Tactical squad: 10man, 1 flamer, 1 ML, 1 rhino
170 -- Tactical squad: 10man, 1 flamer, 1 ML
==Imperial Guard==
Command Squad: Commisar, medic, standard bearer
Platoon 1:
Command Squad: Junior Off, medic, meltagun
Infantry Squad 1: Autocannon, lasguns
Infantry Squad 2: Heavy Bolter, lasguns
Platoon 2:
Command Squad: Junior Off, others unknown
Infantry Squad: Armored fists in a chimera
I rolled and won to go first. Cover was good for me, long open corridor down the middle of the map. I set up my hq w/ his squad in the very middle as to force back Chris. He placed behind cover for the most part, but he left some squads on the side of the field to run up to better cover. Rhino was placed in the middle to provide rolling cover. Dreadnought was placed near hq unit for concentrated firepower.
Reason for battle: 2nd founding Genesis Chapter was told by the inquisition to aid in the cleansing of enemy forces from the Librarium Schoder sector. Being true followers of the emperor, they do not question the inquisition as they know they only wish to live so that the emperor may live.
me: 1 squad destroyed by concentrated fire with rapid fire and dreadnought.
chris: Dreadnought hit with str 14, immobilized on first turn, thankfully facing enough troops.
me: Killed command junior officer squad, killed 2 in infantry platoon, moved rhino into middle of enemy territory.
chris:Rhino gets hit with multi laser and "has a warm belly".
me: Tickles chimera, rapid fire then assault, destroys assaulted unit.
chris & jared: Shots kills 1 marine and a rhino (first time my rhino has exploded).
me: I shoot kill a few more infantry, leave marines in middle without assaulting.
chris & jared: Chimera turns to face space marines, infantry move up for rapid firing, shot killed 1 marine.
me: Shots killed last infantry squad.
chris & jared: Runs snipers behind cover of chimera. Chimera takes pot shots at dreadnought.
me: I Killed last few infantry that were falling back.
chris & jared: Chimera moves to shoot last few sm command squad, 3 hits, 2 wounds, 1 wound to captain.
Game results: SM 2 corners, guardsmen 0.
Win: Space Marines
Oh this one sucked for me. This time the lego castle was placed in the middle of the map and Chris won the roll, meaning he placed snipers on the roof of that castle. I tried to counter by placing my hq squad on top of a piece of terrain high enough to shoot back. He placed everything up to the line, I had to place around the edges and try to run to a hill placed in my opposite corner.
chris & jared: 1 sm killed on first turn, from missile squad 1.
me: 2 guys get killed in the castle, but don't fail the morale test :(
chris & jared: Everyone moves to shoot at dreadnought, but it just gets warm and laughs menacingly. Squad in back dangerous terrain'd over the wall and shot my missile squad 1 again.
me: I move and shoot with missile squad 1, assault with dreadnought, the squad falls back, leaving the dread exposed.
chris & jared: Dreadnought destroyed by meltagun. 1 wound on captain from snipers with rending! Missile squad 1 was all destroyed except missile launcher.
me: Fires, kills 1 infantry.
chris & jared: Missile squad 1 was killed outright, it was a sad sad day.
me: Gasp and horror! flamer and rapid fire shoots the command squad in the back near the terrain I was planning to run to from the beginning.
chris & jared: Chimera kills hq unit's captain and another bolter marine.
me: Shots taken on all enemies, failurse all around.
chris & jared: We learned how to tank shock and death or glory, but both failed.
me: Ended game by firing on remaining troops outside of the quarters. No charge was done as to secure victory.
Game result
space marines: 2
imperial guard (by Chris' design): 1
contested: 1
SM record 2-0-1
By Chris' own admission, he wasn't planning to win that game, he just wanted to kill all of my marines. Pictures will be added later. It was decided that our next battle would be for 750 points.
1 comment:
sounds pretty cRaZy
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